Jane Kemp
Latest articles by Jane Kemp
Don’t fall for fraud – why you should never share personal or financial details
If a savvy businesswoman like Alex Finch can get scammed, it’s time to wise up on ways to keep your money safe
By Jane Kemp
Don’t fall for fraud – why you should be wary of sharing personal or financial details
If a savvy businesswoman like Alex Finch can get scammed, it’s time to wise up on ways to keep your money safe
By Jane Kemp
How to achieve the best spring declutter ever
Throw open your windows, clear some space – and make some extra cash too…
By Jane Kemp
No time for cleaning? 10 kitchen hacks you need to know...
From genius appliances to expert tips, try these game-changers to keep your kitchen super clean
By Jane Kemp
Bring summer seaside chic indoors with this fabulous Shore collection
Crisp nautical colours together with the soft muted tones of the British coastline make this the perfect living-room look
By Jane Kemp
4 fabulous curtain trends to inspire you
Looking for a speedy way to refresh your living room? Simply look to the windows. New curtains or blinds instantly switch up the mood – as these four designers show with their stunningly individual takes on the same town house interior…
By Jane Kemp
How to declutter for a stress-free happy home
The curious thing about clutter is that it’s all too easy to get used to. And if a room has become accepted as the place where people dump stuff, or there just never seems to be space to put things away and out of sight, it seems to multiply.
By Jane Kemp
7 top tips for a family-friendly kitchen
Choose the right appliances and make life easy
By Jane Kemp
Entertaining? Give your dining room a luxurious look
You’ll love the glamorous new Butterfly House dining range from Sainsbury’s.
By Jane Kemp