Creating your own decoupage box

Follow our easy step-by-step guide

decoupage box with floral printed lid and blue pencil
(Image credit: Future PLC/Michael A. Hill)

Step 3) Place the cutouts on the top of the box lid and move them around until you're happy with their position, overlapping sections if you wish. Using a pencil, mark trim lines on the cutouts where they overhang the edges of the lid (see illustration) - keep the edges of the lid undecorated. Remove cutouts and trim along the pencil lines.

Step 4) Brush glue on to the back of the cutouts from the centre outwards, being careful not to have too much glue near the edges. Carefully place each cutout in place on the lid, pressing down at the centre and then smoothing out gently towards the edges with a clean, dry cloth to ensure the cutout sits flat. Repeat on each side of the box (you will find it easiest to position the box alternately on its sides and ends, keeping the working area uppermost each time).

Step 5) Let the glue dry completely then replace the lid on the box.