I’d rather be in Solihull! Residents of the West Midlands town have got it so good they’re apparently the happiest in the country

A longer life expectancy, higher income and faster broadband speeds... what's not to love about the UK's happiest town?

Another week, another survey of the best and worst places to live in the UK!

We're always intrigued by the results of these polls and the latest one, undertaken by Uswitch.com, caught our attention as it flagged up Solihull as the UK town with the best quality of life.

solihull best uk town

(Image credit: TBC)

The survey looked at 24 different factors, including salaries, disposable
household income, life expectancy and even hours of sunshine, to
provide a complete picture of the quality of life in each region.


Not only do residents of Solihull enjoy a longer life expectancy, but they also have a higher income and, erm... faster broadband speeds.

Presumably so they can post smug Facebook updates about how happy they are.


(Image credit: TBC)

On the flip side, poor old Scotland didn't fare so well with East and
North Ayrshire coming out as the worst places to live.

Apparently it really is grim up norf and, according to the survey, these
towns struggled with low income, poor exam results and low life
expectancy - as well as a distinct lack of sunshine.

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(Image credit: TBC)

But since we're celebrating all things Solihull, here are a couple of fun facts about the town for your next pub quiz: residents of Solihull and those born in the town are referred to as Silhillians. And their motto is Urbs in Rure (Town in Country).

So now you know!

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